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Hatha Yoga Bali

Traditional teachings for your modern life

The Full Story

“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. Even a little effort toward spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear.” 

Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 2. V.40)

There was a time in my life where practicing the physical aspect of yoga did not fulfill me anymore. Deep inside, I know there is something more than "working out" and creating shape. I did so much training and research in yoga until finally I found Traditional Hatha Yoga at The Practice Bali in 2017. The teaching offered at that place is so different; it's a lineage-based teaching that I couldn't find in any other places. Until now, I have kept studying with The Practice owner, Octavio Salvado, and start to learn more from teachers of this lineage, including Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, the successor to Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas.


The Traditional Hatha Yoga that I learned came from the Himalayan tradition. These teachings have been passed down from teacher to student in an unbroken thread over thousands of years. A living tradition of the Sri Vidya lineage. When I received these teachings, my eyes were wide open. At its core, Hatha Yoga is a systematic spiritual science to master our own Prana, the life force. Asana alone is not enough to reap the full benefit of it; we need Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras, Mantras, and Kriyas. When we know how to master our Prana, life becomes so much better. The energy will be flowing from the inside, and everything that surrounds us is beauty and goodness.


Ever since I have been practicing and embodying these practices, I feel more balanced in life and simply aligned with my life purpose. The benefits of these teachings are real; everyone I know who's practicing feels their life gets better every day. My journey does not stop there; I keep studying with more teachers in this lineage. I always believe that in order to be a great teacher, I have to be a great student. And as a teacher, it is my goal to spread this knowledge to as many people as possible so everyone can experience these profound benefits.


Now it's time for me to share these teachings with the world and with you. I am now teaching this knowledge on different platforms: online, in-person trainings and retreats, and 1-on-1 mentoring. I know that the world is big, and I would love to reach more people like you who deeply care about yoga traditions in different parts of the world.

Image by Ben Lowe


Himalayan Masters from the Sri Vidya Tradition

The tradition I follow is called Sri Vidya. My goal is to present the teaching from the teachers before me undiluted and pure, without having to reinvent the wheel.


I don't have the intention of creating a new yoga style. Simply passing down the knowledge that has been around for thousands of years.

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